Broadcasting in 2023: Re-defined Workflows and Business Models

December 22, 2022

San Jose, CA (December 22, 2022) - How to succeed in the global TV broadcast market? Josh Pine at XL8, an AI-powered machine translation company specializing media and entertainment, shares his view on how to attract new subscribers and increase profitability.

Broadcasting in 2023: Re-defined Workflows and Business Models

Breaking the Language Barrier

The global TV broadcast market is rapidly evolving as streaming platforms aggressively expand into international markets. “We anticipate that the FAST market will soar in 2023 as content owners tighten their belts and focus on monetizing their existing catalogs to improve their ROI,” said Josh Pine, Chief Revenue Officer at XL8, a Silicon Valley tech company that provides AI-powered Machine Translation technology optimized for media content.

“The main challenge will center on cost-effective content localization to increase profitability while attracting new subscribers regionally. To succeed, the industry needs to rely on AI-powered machine translation to scale for this unlimited market demand while also addressing hyper-localization, which considers multiple dialects, formalities, and colloquial phrases that resonate with a diverse audience within a region.”

“Context-aware engines address this added complexity by analyzing information throughout the entire text to truly ‘localize’ content instead of translating it word for word,” Pine added. “These capabilities support the translator’s workflow, so they can focus on the creative aspects of subtitle creation while increasing their daily throughput to meet demand.”

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